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January 6th, 2010:

Start the New Year Off Right

Ready or not, the new year is here – are you ready?  The secrets to success in the upcoming year are not really secrets, they just take discipline.

Secret #1 – Set Goals and write them down.  It’s the beginning of the year so now is the time to reflect and choose some 5 year goals.  What does your business and your life look like in 5 years?  Once, you’ve set your 5 year goals, set some 1 year goals.  These should be related to your longer term goals.  Write them down and put them someplace where you will see them every day.

 Secret #2 – Break your 1 year goals down into quarterly objectives.  What do you need to achieve each quarter to reach your goals.  A quarter is 13 weeks and I will remind you every 13 weeks to update your goals and objectives for the upcoming quarter. 

Secret #3 – Create an action plan.  What are the activities you need to do each week to accomplish your objectives?  If you wait until the end of the quarter it will be quite difficult.  But, if you take action every week, reaching your goals is a snap. 

Secret #4 – Schedule the action items in your calendar.  If you treat your activities like appointments, they are far more likely to actually get done.  Check them off as you complete them.  Reschedule any that didn’t get done into the next week. 

Secret #5 – Have some accountability.  Share your goals and action plan with someone and ask them to hold you accountable.  It’s much easier to let yourself off the hook than explain to someone else why you aren’t working your plan. 

That’s 5 simple secrets to success.  I’ll be sending helpful tips every week, but 13 weeks from now, I will be checking in and reminding you to set your 2nd quarter goals.  The 1st week’s already begun so get cracking on those goals and plans.